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Solar Panels

Before you install solar panels for your home or business, review the information on this page to ensure your project meets all building and safety code requirements.

Homeowners cannot perform solar installations unless they are a certified electrician. A licensed professional contractor must get a permit for this work.


The first step to installing solar panels is getting micro-generation system approval.

Micro-generation is the production of power through a small-scale renewable source. This includes solar panels, wind turbines, and others. It lets applicants produce a portion or all of their residential or commercial yearly electrical energy consumption.

Micro-generation systems connect to the City of Lethbridge's distribution grid. 


Find out which permits you need before starting your project. Permits ensure your work is safe, within City guidelines, and up to code.

Solar installations that occupy land space on a parcel must get development approval.

Rooftop and wall-mounted solar panel installations do not need development approval.

Fill out a Development Permit Application, then submit it to If development approval is required for your project, you must get a Development Permit before applying for any other permits. If you are unsure, contact Planning & Design for more information.

An Electrical Permit is required for all solar installations and can only be obtained by a certified electrical contractor with a valid City of Lethbridge business licence.

Micro-generation approval from Electric Design and a signed Interconnection Agreement must be obtained before Building Inspections can issue an Electrical Permit.

For more information, go to Solar Energy and Micro-Generation.

A Building Permit is required for all rooftop and wall-mounted solar panel installations.

Homeowners or contractors can apply for a Building Permit once Electric Design has approved the micro-generation system. Use eApply to submit your application.

Be sure to include the following documents with your Building Permit application:

  • Drawings that show where the solar modules will be located on the structure
  • Drawings that show how the solar modules will be supported and anchored to the structure 


Any project that needs a permit also needs to be inspected. Learn about the different types of inspections and how to book yours.

A rough-in is required prior to installation.

A Safety Codes Officer (SCO) will check your solar equipment for potential deficiencies before it's installed. Use the tips and information below to book your rough-in inspection. You should aim to book your rough-in for the same day as installation.

A final inspection is required prior to powering your system.

A Safety Codes Officer (SCO) will assess your solar installation. If it passes inspection, the SCO will give you a copy of the inspection report.

To power your system, you need to send a copy of your inspection report to Electric Design. After that, you can contact your energy provider to arrange your electricity compensation.

There are a few ways you can book an inspection:

Here are some things to keep in mind when booking an inspection:

  • You can book an inspection for weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding stat holidays
  • Booking requests received before 1 p.m. will be scheduled for the next day
  • Booking requests received after 1 p.m. will be scheduled for the day after next
  • A homeowner, contractor, or appointed party must be on site to grant access for the inspector. If no one is there to facilitate entry, the inspector will leave a notice to reschedule on the door
  • Individuals under 18 years old can’t grant access without supervision

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