If you have experienced a loss, injury or damage and believe it is a result of the City of Lethbridge’s negligence, you may submit a Notice of Claim.
When submitting a Notice of Claim, you must submit your notice within 21 days of the event if the incident is related to snow, ice or slush on roads or sidewalks, or within 30 days of the event for all other claims.
It’s important to contact your insurance company as soon as possible after the incident occurs, as your policy may provide coverage for your loss. Be sure to document damages or injuries with photos, invoices and receipts. Keep any damaged property available for later inspection.
Submit a notice of claim
You can submit your completed Notice of Claim application to the City by email at claims@lethbridge.ca, in-person at City Hall during business hours or by mail to:
Risk and Controls
City of Lethbridge
910 – 4 Ave S
Lethbridge AB, T1J 0P6
Please include your name, mailing address and phone number. We examine each claim individually and assess it on its own merit. Your claim should describe:
- The damage or injury
- How it happened
- The location, date and time of the incident
- Any persons, equipment or other circumstances surrounding the incident
- Why you believe the City is responsible
After submitting your claim
After you submit your claim, our Risk and Controls department will send a written email reply, acknowledging receipt of the claim. If you submitted your claim in-person, an email reply is not typically sent. If you do not provide or possess an email address, alternative communication methods can be arranged.
We will then start an investigation process to determine the liability of the City, as governed by the Municipal Government Act, which may include:
- Visiting the incident location
- Inspecting the damage
- Obtaining documents
- Speaking to employees or other persons who may have knowledge of the incident
In some instances, the claim may be investigated by our insurer. Once we have completed the investigation, we will notify you of the City’s position in writing.
Like most municipalities, the City provides compensation only when it is legally liable and you have provided evidence that the City committed a negligent act or omission that resulted in the injury or damage. The intent is to provide an equitable policy for the taxpaying public, who ultimately bear the cost of these claims.