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  • Two early morning fires under investigation

    Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services responded to two separate fires in south Lethbridge early Friday, February 7. 

  • The Mighty Neighbors Winter Warrior Edition returns to highlight Lethbridge’s everyday heroes

    The Mighty Neighbours Winter Warrior Edition is back to give Lethbridge’s finest neighbours another warm round of applause. To nominate a Mighty Neighbour, simply visit and share tales of the neighbours who swoop in to help out in your neighbourhood, even on the coolest days. From snow heroes with shovels to poop-scooping champions, let's shine a spotlight on these remarkable individuals.  


  • Why is more housing needed?

    There have been some questions in the community regarding several recent rezoning application approvals, specifically a couple of housing projects in and adjacent to the London Road neighbourhood. We wanted to help clarify some of these questions, outline the processes that were followed and the many factors City Council considers in their decision making.  

  • Winter heating safety reminders

    Heating equipment is one of the leading causes of home fires during winter months. 

    As the heating season kicks into high gear, Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services reminds residents to heat their homes safely to protect their families and our community from fire hazards and carbon monoxide poisoning. 

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